Level 1
Foundational level to start practicing the Qifa Approach™ and become a Qifa Coach™
10 months ( 1 weekend each month )
100 hrs accreditation
- The principles of healing
- Foot analysis tools and starting with the "whole" person
- Building a powerful, efficient process with a clear focus
- Gaining control of automatic patterns and reactions
- Transforming fear and pain from the past
- Trapped emotions and fear and closing the circle
- Supporting the client in between sessions so they feel safe and held
- Detachment and healthy boundaries
- Patterns and teaching the art of attention
Investment: £11,222
Deposit: £1,222 deposit for enrollment
Balance: 10k pay in full or 9 x 1,177
Please contact me to sign up for the academy
A bit about Rachel
Rachel Glendinning is the Founder of the Qifa Approach™. She has 20 years' experience teaching sold out yoga classes and then going on to run a booked-out London Private Practice as the first fully qualified Practioner of the Grinberg Method. She is passionate about health, mental health and our potential.